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School Accountability Committee

What is the School Accountability Committee (SAC)

The School Accountability Committee (formerly PIE) is a cooperative team of parents, teachers, our principal and members of the community. It is an advisory board that works on addressing educational goals, school objective and improvement planning, goal setting, listening and supporting parent feedback and maintaining an open and welcoming environment.

Issues discussed and promoted

  • Curriculum and school policies
  • Safety and health initiatives
  • Accelerating our below-grade-level learners
  • Challenging our advanced learners
  • Accreditation and budget
  • Outreach to non-English-speaking families
  • Welcoming environment

We need volunteer parents who are interested in participating in small groups focusing on specific issues. This is one of the most effective ways of contributing to your child's learning environment.

Please consider offering your time, expertise and talent, or just come and share your concerns with the Prospect Valley principal, teachers and other parents on topics to strengthen our school.

Join us for our Accountability Committee meetings on the third Thursday of the month in the school library at 3 p.m. Look for Flash newsletter announcements and signs at school.

Snacks and babysitting will be available.

Learn more on the Prospect Valley PTA website