Having trouble deciding what book to read? Looking for a challenge? Try becoming a member of the Caldecott or Newbery Book Club.
3 stages of membership-Bronze, Silver and Gold
Bronze member, you need to have read at least 25 gold medal winners
Silver member means you have read at least 50 gold medal winners
Gold level member means you have read 75 or more gold medal books
You have your entire time at PV to work on this challenge
To Do
Print a copy of the Caldecott and/or Newbery lists
When you reach a level, let Mrs. O'Neill know. You will have your picture taken and posted on the wall.
You will receive a Hall of Fame certificate
Congratulations to Haddi, Jael, Anson, Aviana, Isabella, Aisley, Gracyn, Ben, Mrs. Ramirez, Elan, Silvanie, Nicolas, Isabella, Julian, Penny, Reece, Bernard, Madeline, Bella, Macie, Taylor, Heidi, Kelly, Anna, Mical, Ben, Matt, Noah, Blake, Laelle, Corinne, Sam, and Melody for being our current Caldecott Club members!
Congratulations to our Newbery Winners! Gold Medal-Noah, Silver-No one yet!, Bronze-Abby, Sam
Caldecott List
Newbery List